10 Strategies Emotionally Resilient People Use to Bounce Back From Adversity

10 Strategies Emotionally Resilient People Use To Bounce Back After Adversity.

We are all faced with difficult situations, but why is it that some people naturally bounce back after adversity, while others struggle to get back on their feet?

This ability to recover quickly from setbacks is known as resilience. While we can’t always control life events, we can learn how to control our responses to those events. Emotionally resilient people are skilled in the way they respond to adversity and can effectively manage the tension and stress caused by the setback.

The good news is resilience is a combination of thoughts and behaviours and as a set of skills can be developed. Here are ten strategies emotionally resilient people use to deal with difficult situations.

  1. Put the situation or event into perspective. When things don’t go according to plan, resilient people can see the situation for what it is and recognise the adversity, without letting it define whom they are. They can see the bigger picture, and give themselves time to sit with the discomfort and decide upon the best way to proceed.
  2. Look for the positive outcomes. People who show resilience understand that there is value in challenges.   They are more likely to adopt the approach that there is another lesson to be learned from the situation and that adversity makes them stronger.
  3. Practise acceptance. Resilient people realise that living in a world of constant change can bring unpredictable challenges along with stress and pain. As opposed to repressing the painful emotions or giving in and letting them take over, acceptance is about experiencing them and trusting that they will move through them.
  4. Seek solutions. Resilient people are willing to be flexible in their thinking to adapt to change. They readily find solutions to their problems then take action and move forward.
  5. Have a sense of purpose. Having direction and meaning helps keep resilient people focused. They know where they are going and how to get back on track.
  6. Possess a sense of humour. Resilient people can see the humour in the situation and tend not to take themselves too seriously.
  7. Cultivate self-awareness. Having a positive view of themselves, resilient people are aware of their strengths and have confidence in their abilities to overcome their problems. They also know when they need to reach out for help.
  8. Build strong relationships. They surround themselves with good social support. Resilient people know what type of support is adequate for their needs and who would be useful in helping them.
  9. Engage in self-care. Dealing with adversity can be taxing on time and energy levels. They establish healthy habits that support and refuel them when dealing with stress. From drinking water, eating healthy foods and meditating, to getting adequate sleep and exercise.
  10. Practise gratitude. They cultivate an exercise of gratitude, to keep them focused on the right things in their lives as opposed to letting negative thoughts and painful emotions dominate their thinking.

People who show a high level of resilience still experience similar thoughts and feelings that result from adversity. It’s how they manage the process that influences their ability to bounce back.

Resilience is like a muscle that needs strength. With that comes the understanding that you will need to experience personal setbacks. The more you use it, the better you are at bouncing back from challenges.



Image: Kalen Emsley: Unsplash

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