Identifying Imposter Syndrome at Work: 8 Ways it Can Impact your Performance.

Business woman sitting at her desk, in front of her laptop, resting her forehead on her hands impacted by imposter syndrome

How could Imposter Syndrome be showing up at work and impacting your performance?

Imagine this: you’ve just been praised for a successful project, yet instead of feeling accomplished, you’re plagued by thoughts that you don’t deserve the accolades. You attribute your success to luck or external factors, convinced that soon, everyone will see through your facade. This is the insidious nature of imposter syndrome—a pervasive feeling of self-doubt and unworthiness that can lurk behind even the most impressive professional achievements.

According to Research, 82 per cent of people have experienced it at some point in their lives.

We’ll explore how imposter syndrome manifests in the workplace, the toll it takes on your mental health and job performance, and actionable steps to overcome it. Understanding and addressing imposter syndrome is crucial for unlocking your true potential and finding satisfaction in your professional life. Let’s delve into this hidden threat and learn how to reclaim your confidence and thrive at work.

So, What is Imposter Syndrome?

Imposter syndrome is a psychological pattern of thoughts, behaviours, and feelings in which high-achieving individuals doubt their accomplishments and live in fear of being exposed as frauds despite external evidence of their competence and success.

Imposter Syndrome is often found among high-achieving individuals and is especially common in academic settings, notably in healthcare. It has been linked to burnout, depression, anxiety.

Although it is an internal feeling of doubting one's own abilities, its effects can have outward implications in the workplace.

Here Are Eight Ways Imposter Syndrome Could Show Up and Impact Your Performance.

Working long hours to prove one's worth.

Do you find yourself working longer hours than others?

You may be the first to arrive or the last to leave your workplace. Or do you have poor boundaries and allow work to find its way into your personal time?

While others succeed because of their intelligence, individuals with imposter syndrome believe that working harder than everyone else will compensate for their lack of natural talent.

When success is achieved, they experience a sense of relief instead of pride and continue to work harder without taking care of themselves. However, all these excessive hours can lead to burnout and reduced productivity.

Tip 1: Acknowledge Your Effort

After success on a project, sit down and mentally take in your part or role in the achievement. Acknowledge your effort but also your experience and personal talent, this will help you internalise your successes.

Persistent Drive to Over prepare.

Do you constantly research and meticulously check every detail of a presentation, project or email before anyone else can provide feedback?

Individuals with imposter syndrome are motivated by the threat of being exposed for their incompetence.

They believe by being hyper-diligent, they can safeguard themselves from any possible failure. However, too much time overpreparing and fussing around can lead to time-wasting and missed opportunities, causing more anxiety.

Tip #1: Progress Instead Of Perfection.

Shift your focus from achieving perfection to making progress. Celebrate small wins and improvements along the way. . By valuing your progress, you reduce the pressure to be perfect and recognise your continuous growth and effort.

Tip #2: Preplanning

Plan your work before you start your day and allocate time for each task. When the time is up, move on to the next item in your calendar. (Time blocking and Pomodore Timer). You might have resistance at first, but keep persevering with it, you will get used to it.


Do you find yourself saying to your colleagues, 'It's easier if I just do it,"

They might think you're being considerate, but really you have an alternate motive.  

You believe that if you do it, there will be less chance of mistakes and, consequently, less humiliation of being unmasked.

However, not appropriately delegating tasks means you end up doing more work, which can lead to burnout and resentment and eliminate trust between team members.

Tip #1: Practice Self-Compassion

Recognise those feelings of fear and speak to yourself with words of kindness.

Imagine a friend going through the same experience. How would you encourage them through this? What things would you say to them to help them feel supported? What tone would you use? Now, say that to yourself.

Related article : Cultivating Self-Compassion: A Guide to Kindness Within

Tip #2: Gradually Build Trust by Delegating Tasks

Start slowly and delegate items that you can check over quickly. When you start to trust the process, move to more significant tasks.

Procrastination to Start and Finish Projects

Can you put things off until the last minute, telling yourself, "I work best under pressure?"

Procrastination may be your coping mechanism.

According to earlier research, this was an unconscious way to give yourself an out from the façade. A coping mechanism to relieve the performance anxiety you felt about possibly being exposed.  

When you fail, you can blame it on leaving it to the last minute. However, when you do succeed, it strengthens the belief that you got away with it again.

Tip #1:  Acknowledge and Communicate

Acknowledge when the self-sabotage sets in and speak to someone you trust who can remind you of your value and past successes, such as work colleagues or business coach.

Tip #2: Create a Positive Work Environment

Your surroundings can impact your productivity. Create a workspace that is free of distractions and conducive to focus. This can help reduce procrastination and improve efficiency.

Tip #3: Develop a Routine

Establish a daily routine that includes dedicated time for work on your projects. Consistency can reduce procrastination by creating a habit of regular progress.

Reluctancy to Speak Up In Meetings And Share Ideas.

Do you hesitate to speak up in meetings because everyone will be watching you when you do?

......Just as your inner critic convinces you to be silent, your colleague reads your mind and shares a similar idea with everyone's approval.

Contributing ideas and asking questions in front of an audience, can leave one in a very vulnerable position.  

For the individual experiencing imposter syndrome, sharing one's own thoughts in front of colleagues has the potential to be deemed incorrect and could make them feel exposed.

Tip #1: Support Yourself with Positive Self-Talk

Monitor your internal dialogue and speak to yourself like a friend who needs support and encouragement.

Tip #2: Visualise Successful Outcomes

Mentally rehearse speaking up in front of your colleagues and visualise that everything goes well. If this is difficult to visualise because there is too much fear getting in the way, speak to someone about it, do some Tapping (EFT), or book a free appointment to speak with us.

Word cloud representing Imposter Syndrome

Avoiding Taking On New Challenges

Even though your manager wants you to go for the promotion or take on that exciting new project, you can provide the best excuses for why that's not a good idea at this point in your career.

Individuals with imposter syndrome are likelier to sit quietly in their comfort zone, fearing that promotions and challenging projects make them too vulnerable for possible failure and others' judgement of their work.  

Tip #1: Keep a List of Achievements for Daily Reflection

Make a list of all previous achievements and keep it handy to look over throughout your day. As you read over your list, internalise the feeling of achieving this success.

Tip #2: Seek Out Guidance and Support

Don’t suffer in silence, seek out people who have experienced this self-doubt and have learnt to manage it at work. Speak to professional such as coaches, psychologist and therapists who can assist you with overcoming the fear.

I offer a free 20 minute session, find a time here and we can talk about it

Prefer To Stay Silent and Not Ask For Help.

Do you prefer to go to outside sources for help instead of asking your colleagues?  

Here, your overly protective inner critic might be trying to save you from embarrassment of others' judgements and the fear of being unmasked.

Tip #1: Evaluate Your Inner Critic’s Intentions

While the inner critic’s role is to keep us safe, it can be a massive barrier to moving forward with exciting projects at work. Find out if what your inner critic is keeping you safe from is relevant today.

Tips #2: Make Friends with Your Inner Wisdom

Don’t let your inner critic have the stage all the time, there is a voice of wisdom in you, too. Choose to make friends with the part of you that holds your inner wisdom and hear what they have to say.

Finding It Difficult To Accept Compliments.

Do you give yourself enough credit for your achievements? Or do you brush it off to luck, chance or just good timing?

Individuals with imposter syndrome tend to minimise their accomplishments. Even though they may seek approval from others, they are often quick to dismiss it and find it complicated to make mental solid connections between themselves and their achievements.

Business woman in a stripped shirt in front of her laptop with her hands up rejecting praise for her accomplishments a sign of imposter syndrome

Tip #1: Practice Saying Thank You After Someone Compliments Your Work.

Instead of automatically brushing compliments aside, say “thank you” when someone praises your work. Practice this until it feels natural. Once you’re comfortable, take it a step further and express your appreciation by saying you value them recognizing your hard work. Speaking this out loud helps internalise the link between yourself and your achievements.

Tip # 2: Reward yourself

Rewarding yourself after achieving a goal is another way to create strong mental connections between you and your accomplishments. Whether it’s a small treat, a break, or a personal indulgence, recognizing your hard work with a reward reinforces the positive link between your efforts and your successes.

Imposter syndrome is a typical psychological pattern that can affect individuals professionally. It can manifest in different ways, from working long hours to refusing to speak up in meetings and impact productivity and mental health. Overcoming imposter syndrome requires recognising negative self-talk, speaking to oneself kindly, and acknowledging achievements. It is also essential to seek support from trusted colleagues, mentors, or mental health professionals. By taking care of oneself and recognising one's worth, individuals can break free from the cycle of imposter syndrome and achieve success and fulfilment in their careers.

If you are seeking assistance in overcoming imposter syndrome, click the button below to schedule a complimentary 20-minute consultation. Discover how we can support you in your journey.


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A woman with imposter syndrome sitting at her desk with her work colleagues on either side

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